About The Site


My name is Vera, welcome to my website. I've created this place primarily as an exercise for myself; I'm a software girl by trade, but it's not often I get to mess around in the web world without an enterprise framework.

In the spirit of getting back to basics, and because I enjoy the challenge, I'm doing this as barebones as I can. No lights, no motorcars, not a single luxury. Just HTML, CSS, and JS, like God intended. Plus, the retro vibe is fun!

I'm also going to be putting any side projects I do up here. And not just code - I'll probably also be uploading music and pictures and DND stuff. I do occasionally commission art, that will likely end up here as well. Maybe a blog?

I was inspired to put this together in no small part by my friend Stan and his badass website, It rocks, check it out! ^^

Written 12/20/2022 by Vera



Vera's Thoughts

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